Anyways, the small army got inside the plane and there we went!

What can I say? Everybody is talking about the adventures on our trip. Angie, being the newest addition, listened carefully. Murray, Elgo and I embarked in a long discussion about ancient Greece and its relevance in the developement of western culture. That is, until Eric came screaming that we were boring and started an impromptu karaoke on board! Dribbler, Yoda and Kay surprised us with their well toned voices. I think they were surprised, too!

Eduardo, Ecap and me decided to sing some songs in Spanish. Something that was rather well appreciated by everybody except for Freaky and Elgo who kept laughing at us. Then it was their time to sing, and our chance to boo them.
Suomenpankki seemed silent most of the time...or at least he tried. Soon enough, he was singing in Finish...or perhaps calling for help. You never know with that language!

Meanwhile, we left the Mediterranean Sea behind and ventured into the deserted lands south of Cairo...

Farther down south, the thick jungle and the Congo River, extending like a snake among the vegetation.

We finally arrive at Johannesburg International. Just in time to meet with our dear friend Brad!
Ah, his smile when he saw us coming through the door was priceless...we are going to enjoy very much our stay here!

See you soon!
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