Like them, I've spent countless hours reading about the Greeks, their myths, their history, their glory and their downfall. It's one of my oldest wishes to travel there and see with my eyes the places I've seen in my dreams and my books since I was a kid. Oh yes, and try some ouzo while at it!
For this trip, I got a plane that will make PD drool. A mighty B-52! Of course, it was modified to allow passengers in its cargo bay. Believe me, you will feel very comfortable. By the way, I wouldn't touch those nukes, if I were you.

Impressive, I know :-D
In no time we are once again flying over the Mediterranean. This is a beast of a plane! Thankfully, now i get to hear a lot more chat in Spanish. Elgo, Freaky, Argento, Ecap and Eric who only says things like "Tu eres más bonita que un tortilla, olé!" followed by "Did that make any sense?" which of course it doesn't.
So many people means lot more discussions. They don't last much, though, and the girls, AJ and mikathegreat laughing at whatever nonsense either Dribbler or Murray are saying makes me want to put the plane on Autopilot and join the fun! Yoda, Puma, Drib, MG, Argento and I have discovered that we share many things in common when it comes to music tastes so we spend some time listening to some unknown and classic bands.

Below us, the Fiumicino Airport in Rome.

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