This is my virtual tour to pay you all good friends a visit on my old, but faithful Gunman Goose.
It's a little over 8.30 a.m., and it is a beautiful day here in Buenos Aires, gentle winds and not a single cloud. This is the main runway of the Ezeiza Airport, and it's time to take off!

Bye bye Ezeiza Airport!

After a long travel through Uruguay, and south of Brazil, we are now over the Altantic Ocean, just 50 nautical miles south from Rio de Janeiro.

Bem-vindos a Rio! On the right you can just make the top of the Morro Pao de Azucar (Sugar Loaf Hill) and to the left, the Rio-Niteroi bridge. Fasten your seat belts!

This is the tricky part...

Finally, at 4 p.m., we arrive to the Galeao Airport. The temperature is....I forgot to take note of the temperature...sorry! But it won't be too cold, that I can assure you! Now is time to park the plane, and catch the sunset over the Guanabara Bay. Katy is waiting for us, stunning as always!
Get ready for some feijoada and some authentic Brazilian beer (Brahma) For me it is going to be just a guarana drink, for I don't drink beer :-(

I am surprised to hear the musical tone of Katy's laughter, you would have never imagined it just by reading her posts. Of course, we kept talking about Nick (and I kept saying Robert is so much better just to annoy her) Her carioca accent is just too cute! We are going to have a great time! Tomorrow we will go to the beaches of Leblon and Ipanema, and no, I won't go to the Pao de Azucar or the Corcovado, already been there, but you can go if you want to.
If Katy so desires, she can jump onto our plane for the next leg of out tour: Mexico D.F.!
Hope you enjoyed our first flight! See you soon, my friends.
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